Throughout life we acquire bits of knowledge, some are useful and some are not. The tricky part is realizing which is which. In life it’s usually not the answer that matter but the questions you ask. That’s the ultimate skill of a politician, if he can get you asking the wrong question then it doesn’t matter what answers he gives you. They can even be true. However if you don’t have an eye for the big picture, it doesn’t mean a thing. The plus side to this scenario is that like a hologram, if you see the truth in a small piece it contains the entire picture. Glimpses of truth can lead to the Real World.
What confuses many people is the belief that there is only one truth. There are as many truths as there are people.
I believe my dog has a fine handle on the truth but it’s dog truth, from a specialized canine viewpoint. The question that haunts him is; “If I do my doggie thing, will my master still feed me, love me, look after me?”

The answer is maybe. Most dogs are smart/dumb enough to leave the matter right there. Dogs have natural instincts that run through the entire species. What are human instincts and if we follow them why should we reach any other answer than maybe? If you take away technology, what has humankind achieved that can’t be instantly removed by technology? Very little that doesn’t fall into the universal folder labeled Art. True art isn’t in the eye of the beholder it’s in the eye/mind of the artist. The rest of us just get to make a stab at interpreting it. At least it allows us to use our imagination in a fairly harmless manner. In fact we sometimes get to step out of our own personal reality tunnel and see the big picture. To be more accurate we maybe get a glimpse of the artist’s version of his big picture. Pretty passive stuff really; “Fetch boy, fetch!”
What are the questions we could/should ask? If we can’t decide that question for ourselves then the answer doesn’t matter one little bit. If you trace them back to their roots Religion, Science and Magic are actually one and the same thing. They just developed a little differently. From Religion came art, from Science technology. In those far of days it was Magic that was the Holy reconciling force that bound them together. The job of a magician is to wake up people who don’t know they are asleep! While Religion and Science continually oscillate between negative and positive forces it is the state of awakeness that reconciles them. Maybe.