The Music on Edona is a somewhat mutated form of reggae. It is actually closer to rock steady, which is the slightly older brother of guitar driven reggae. With rock steady the groove is the beat, but it doesn’t try to beat you to death with the instruments. Everywhere you go on the Island there is a musical backdrop going on, music spills out from cars, bars, houses and homes. The songs are different but the beat goes on. 130 beats per minute (bpm) gets you up and running in the morning and wakes you up. As the day winds down, 90 bpm’s mellows you down for the night.
The beat is so constant that there could be a ministry of music, except they would screw it up. It works just great the way it was so why throw a Spaniard in the works. Politics on the Island is an apparently non- existent issue and just kind of rumbles along in the background. Just like the music. The islanders are very happy with the status quo when it came to politics. Why not? The literacy rate on Edona is nearly 100% and there is computer literacy that would give them a run for their money in Silicon Valley.

Fresh fish is caught, covered in locally grown spices, cooked and served on a need to eat basis. Even the coffee is locally grown in the southern mountain ranges that surround the volcanic peak that is the focal point of the Island. The coffee is good and rivals the Costa Rican and Colombian beans that end up in your local Starbucks. In fact the most astounding thing about the Island is how very self sufficient it is when you compare it to similar islands. Probably the only Island in the world with a larger selection of locally grown produce is Madeira but then people will tell you that this tiny island is one of the only visible peaks of Atlantis that remain. Hey, the fruits and vegetables should be good if it really is Atlantis.

Nobody has ever confused Edona with Atlantis; it doesn’t look high-tech enough until the backbeat of the Island gets into your blood. Then you think digital.