I have a past too. In fact I won’t tell you everything I know, just enough to make it dangerous.
All this began for me on an uneventful day when Heart smiled at me, smiled at me and said; “Always remember, my boy, if you get them asking the wrong questions it doesn’t matter what answers you give them!”
He sounded like some crazy

Professor, crazy like a fox, but never forget that M.I.T. spelt backwards is T.I.M.
Jack was so right. Looking back on it now I realize the only thing we know for sure about Jack Heart is that his name isn’t Jack Heart. This could become confusing.
I have a better idea; it is getting uncomfortable hacking away at my computer. The sound of the music is messing with my mind, who needs HAARPS when you’ve got steel drums. I’ll wait for the music to stop I’ll slug a couple of shots of tequila and a beer. I will just drink till my power book cools down. These G4’s don’t have fans in them and it’s very easy to get overheated in these tropical nights. It even happens to me. You sometimes need to cool awhile. Chill.
If you are going to understand this story I’d better start at the beginning. I won’t tell you everything I know, just enough to make it dangerous. That will make it more fun. If I am telling this story I’d better slug more beer and damage the tequila. Then I will start writing this story tomorrow, on a New Morning. It’s that kind of story.